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Posted 17/02/2011

In order to ensure compliance with SI 272 of 2009 - European Communities Environmental Objectives (Surface Waters) Regulations 2009 and SI 9 of 2010 - European Communities Environmental Objectives (Groundwater) Regulations 2010, the EPA is in the process of carrying out an internal review of all licenses where the licensee discharges to surface waters or to groundwater.

Where the EPA finds that the licence is in compliance with the regulations it will issue a declaration to that effect and will follow up with a Technical Amendment to the licence where required.

Posted 11/02/2011


At the end of March each year IPPC and Waste licensed facilities fill out the E-PRTR (European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register) section of their AER (Annual Environmental Report).

Approximately 24,000 EU facilities are covered by the PRTR regulation (EC) No. 166/2006. Its main aim is to make emissions information available to all stakeholders, including the public and decision making bodies.

A facility must report data where the following criteria are satisfied;

Posted 13/01/2011


Prior to the Waddenzee judgement, Natura Impact Statements (formerly Appropriate Assessments) under the EU Habitats Directive were taken to apply to new plans and projects only. Following the judgement all applications for new permits or licenses, as well as reviews of existing permits or licenses, require assessment when a SAC (Special Area of Conservation) or SPA (Special Protection Area) may be impacted. This applies to IPPC Licenses issued by the EPA and Trade Effluent Permits issued by a Water Services Authority as well as other authorisations.

Posted 17/12/2010

Ozone depleting substance refrigerants received a lot of attention a number of years ago. However some of the target dates have recently passed and others are only a few years away.

For non-critical uses the following are the main phase out dates for CFCs and HCFCs;

Posted 15/10/2010


The Environmental Liability Directive was brought into force in Ireland through SI 547 of 2008. An Environmental Liabilities Bill has also been drafted. The following points need to be made;


Posted 28/09/2010


In 2010, around half of the European Union's Member States expect to surpass one or more of the legal limits set by the National Emission Ceilings Directive (NEC Directive). The annual status report recently released by the European Environment Agency (EEA) confirms that 11 countries anticipate an exceedance of their ceilings for NOx.

Posted 24/09/2010


The EPA produces the ‘State of the Environment’ report every 4 years. One of the recurring issues for the report is what indicators should be used for the assessment. The EPA has launched a new section to its website where these indicators are highlighted. Its useful in that it gathers in one location a diverse array of publications on environmental policy and impact.

Posted 19/09/2010


Politics and waste management have never been closer than they are these days. The Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government (DOEHLG) has issued 3 consultation documents in the recent past. These documents will have an impact on every sector but the implications for the waste industry will be immense. The documents are;